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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. Down below are post documenting my journey living a more simple life. 


You will be mocked.

In worship I asked Jesus to give me a word. In the words of my spontaneous song I was singing to the Lord. He dropped "You will be mocked" in my spirit. I didn't fully understand it at first until I stopped to think; Jesus was beaten and He was mocked. In Luke 22:63-23:12 "Now the men who held Jesus mocked Him and beat Him. And having blindfolded Him, they struck Him on the face and asked Him, saying, "Prophesy! Who is the one who struck you?" And many other things they blasphemously spoke against Him.

I really desire for you to read this entire chapter for yourself. In the verses above, Jesus reminded me that I won't be liked for all that I do for Him and either will YOU! However don't give up! See, Jesus wasn't liked for all of His good works. They laughed at Him and called Him crazy but He never gave up. The definition of mock is making fun of someone or something in a cruel way; derisive. ( It doesn't feel good to be mocked and that's where as believers we fall short sometimes because we have been bamboozled into thinking that this life will be comfortable. Jesus never called us to a comfortable life. He called us to live for Him. Are you willing to live for Jesus at whatever cost? Are you willing to be mocked, beaten, spit on? Etc. I want my Jesus Girls to have on the full armor of God and be ready for whatever trial and tribulation that comes your way. In closing, I challenge you this week to share this truth with one person.

Signed, Jesus Girl

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