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reminds us that we live by faith, not by sight. I never really understood what faith was until I studied scripture. I used to hear that faith was important and without faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:8) But again, what is faith? Faith is a small mustard seed. (Matthew 17) of giving our lives to Jesus Christ.


    I endured a lot in the years I have been on earth and I can say that my faith has been tested. Jesus often is the one who tests our faith in Him, whenever you go through anything in life having faith in Jesus is what helps you overcome your trials. Back to not being able to see faith. If I looked at my bank account and it was -0 in it, by faith in Jesus I could believe that the next day I would have $100 in my account. I don’t see it, but if I have faith in Jesus that He can provide that for me. If He doesn’t provide it right away my faith will only be increased and He is still goooood! What are you believing Jesus for? Random thought; By the way, I often talk in parables. HA!


    Faith for me didn’t just happen overnight. It gradually became a reality for me when I grew to know who Jesus is by spending time with Him in my bible. For example, imagine meeting someone for the first time. You wouldn’t trust that person right away. After you spend countless time with them, talk to them, share likes, dislikes etc. you’ll begin to trust them and have faith that they can do certain things for you in your life. Same with Jesus after getting to know Him on a personal level faith will become easier to you. It doesn’t mean that trials won’t come to test your faith but remember that Jesus will never leave or forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5) You are not in this faith walk alone. We’ll walk through this thing together. We’ll laugh, cry and high five each other! This won’t be the last time you’ll hear about faith either because this is such a huge portion of my walk with Jesus. So until next time faith walkers.

2 Corinthians 5:7

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