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for us to get to know each other so what better way to get to know me than for me to share my testimony with you. So here we go; I wasn’t always a “Jesus Girl” I used to be a girl that was in the world and rebelled and did what she wanted to do. See-I didn’t grow up in church. My family didn’t get dress and head to church every Sunday like most families. I can recall my mom and I attending church every once in a while as a child and if I wasn’t asleep in her lap. I did love and adore going to church.


    Let me rewind a little to my childhood, my biological mother and biological dad got a divorce when I was semi young. I was about ten years of age when they got divorced and I can say that my life changed forever as much as my mom and dad tried their best to co-parent me and I would say everything seemed pretty normal with the divorce until I began to get older. My mom had full custody of me my entire life. My dad had visitation rights according to the judge. I can’t sit here and bash my dad like he was the worst dad in the world because I believe that he did the best he could do as a parent. I remember traveling to Nigeria with my dad four times. Oh yeah, I’m Nigerian. :) I even can recall hanging with him sometimes and thinking to myself that I had the best dad in the entire world.


   For a very long time I believed that I was the luckiest girl in the world. Until, the truth came crumbling down and I found out that a lot of things that I thought my dad did my mom actually did to prevent me from being hurt. Things just started to change from me being a daddy’s girl to me resenting my dad and hating him. I would call him some days and beg him to hang out with me. He would promise me that he would come and pick me up and never show up, never answer the phone or lie and say that he was out of town. It was many days I would sit by the door and cry my eyes out feeling unloved waiting for my dad bags packed and all and my mom would often be left to pick up the pieces of the heart that I had left after balling for hours. As you can imagine not growing up with my dad present placed a huge hole in my heart for years until I learned and grew in love with a man named Jesus Christ….


There is more to this story and I am so glad you’re here so we can share more of my story over cupcakes and tea. Or your favorite snack. ☺

I would love

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