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Jesus Girl was birthed from trials and tribulations. As pretty as this blog is it was no walk in the park for me. First, you may or may not be aware that I started a blog through WordPress in 2016. My goal during this time was to share Jesus in any way possible and it was a success. Until I heard the Lord in my spirit tell me to stop blogging for a season. During this season I went through a breakup after being with someone for five in half years, I almost lost my best friend due to my selfishness, suicidal thoughts, finance struggles, not wanting to read my bible because I no longer felt “close” to Jesus, dealing with masturbation, feeling lonely and MORE.


    Through all of this Jesus Girl was birthed. In my trials and tribulations Jesus told me to write about it. He instructed that what I was enduring wasn’t in vain. It would set many of His children free as well as myself of what we are going through. So, as difficult as it was deep down inside I wanted to be obedient to Jesus. This scripture came to mind when choosing a name for this blog, Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


    I want to share my story through the gospel, testimonies, lifestyle and other aspects to show you that we are all unique but created in the same image of Jesus Christ. The mission statement of Jesus Girl is an unashamed believer who is free to be herself in every aspect in her life and encourage other girls and women to do the same. I’m so grateful you stumbled across this blog and I pray that you stay awhile.

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