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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. Down below are post documenting my journey living a more simple life. 


the Seriousness Of sin.

Before we can appreciate the greatness of our redemption, we must understand the seriousness of our sin. If we belong to Christ and repeatedly sin against God, we can expect His chastisement. But if we are not saved, we face His judgment. Because God hates sin, we cannot take it lightly, joke about it, or rationalize and excuse it. Sin comes in many forms, but it is always an act of disobedience to God that separates us from Him and brings all kinds of painful consequences.

The Nature of Sin

It deceives. If we keep sinning while telling ourselves that God loves us and understands, then we have been deceived, thinking that we are the exception to sin’s consequences.

It disappoints. Sin always promises to satisfy, but the pleasure is only temporary. In the end it will always disappoint.

It disables. People who sin against God lose opportunities and sometimes even their health and relationships. Furthermore, a believer who lives in sin will never become the person God desires or accomplish what He’s planned.

It’s a depressor. If a person continually lives in sin, it will have a depressing effect. Even going to church or taking a prescription medication will not help depression that is caused by sin. Although the sadness may be hidden with a cheerful expression, it continues to sap the life and vitality out of the one who refuses to forsake sin.

It’s demonic. True to his nature, the devil will do his best to entrap us in sin.

It’s destructive. Although sin takes many pathways, they all ultimately lead to the destruction of people, families, marriages, children, jobs, and the future.

It brings death. Sometimes it’s a gradual death, or maybe it comes in an instant. But the Bible says that those who sin will die (Ezek. 18:4; Rom. 6:23).

The heart of the gospel is recorded in 1 Peter 1:18-19: “You were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ.”

Are you trusting in the blood of Christ for the forgiveness of your sins? Be sure you know on what or whom you will rely when you stand before God to be judged.

This post was a hard one; yet I am so tired of the schemes of Satan and I am interceding for every Jesus Girl that stumbles across this blog post. May you be strengthened, renewed and set free in Jesus Name. Amen

Signed, Jesus Girl

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