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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. Down below are post documenting my journey living a more simple life. 


You are free to worship.

Hey there Jesus Girls! This topic has been heavy on my heart for some time now. It's one of those topics that many people think of but never speak of out of fear. By the title of today's post you have guessed correct! Worship is a topic that isn't talked about as much. In this blog post I am going to highlight a few biblical and practical ways to worship. I also want to highlight the question... "If I am sitting down during worship does that mean I am not worshipping or love Jesus any less?"

Growing up in a church that was very strict on not wearing pants to church, standing up during worship (and if you were not standing - you were being lazy and not giving Jesus your all...which is far from the truth) I began to think that if I mustered up the strength to get to church after a long week; couldn't stand up during worship because I was tired. Did that mean Jesus loved me less? In doing so I learned that worship is an inward declaration of my love for Jesus. It begins in your heart. Biblical ways are in Psalm 100:4 "Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his holy name!"

Breaking this verse down a bit is reminding us that when we enter the church enter with thanks in our heart for all he has done for us, and praise on our lips it can be a song you made up or a song that was on 95.1 station last week. As I dug deeper in scripture I learned that Jesus is less concerned if we are standing up or sitting down in worship and more concerned of our posture of our hearts when we go to Him.

Psalm 95:6 tells us, " Oh Come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!" Kneeling before Jesus again is a form of reverence to Jesus. There are many ways to worship Jesus.

Practical ways to worship Jesus through song in the shower, in the car, whenever there is a song on your heart. Another way is by being kind to your mean co-worker that just fussed you out a few seconds ago. You can also take a widow a meal after he/she lost their wife or husband etc... get the point? There are many ways to worship Jesus and not all of them will require you to stand up and clap your hands. Some will, some wont! However you still love Jesus and live for him.

I wanted to highlight this area because if you ever dealt with that question after hearing from some pastors constantly to stand up and clap your hands and give God some praise - that is just one form of worshipping Jesus and if you want to sit down on the pew with your eyes closed on a Sunday morning worship is still taking place. :)

Comment below on how you enjoy worshipping Jesus I would love to hear some of your fun, creative ways.

Until Next Time,


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