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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. Down below are post documenting my journey living a more simple life. 


Where are we going to live?

Hey girl hey, I got a testimony! Let’s start by saying Jesus is faithful and He truly cares about every detail of our lives. He is a good good Daddy! A little background on my living situation growing up. I lived with my mom, dad and sisters up until about the age of nine or ten. My mom and dad got a divorce and I moved with just my mommy and sisters and lived in a three-bedroom house for about 12+ years. Life happened, I moved in with one of my older sisters for 3 years. I lived in the basement of a 3-store home and I loved it! I was pretty comfortable and I have never really lived on my own before. The thought was frightening because the cost of living is so rapidly high these days. I often spoke that I wasn’t moving out until I got married, believe it or not! That’s exactly how it happened... ha-ha!

Fast forward to meeting my now husband who also lived with his parents upon meeting me. We knew that we wanted to get married and married people live on their own home, right? But where were we going to live? We were both working but no doors were being opened for us as we were shopping around for a place to live. We just didn’t feel like we had enough money. First, we were going to stay in the basement of my Mom’s house, we also asked a church member could we move in their basement just to save more. We weren’t going to allow living arrangements to stop us! “We walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7). So we kept seeking. Stepping out of our comfort zones. One day we were just fed up and surrendered it all to Jesus and told Him if it is meant for us to have a place than we will; if not, then we won’t! But, we do know that: faith without works is dead. “(James 2:14-26). So we never stopped looking but we did put down our ways because the ways of Jesus are higher.

It was a Sunday afternoon after church. Larry and I, had peace about continuing to look for an apartment so we rode around and as he drove I had my internet on my phone looking at the cost of rent in each apartment building that we drove past in the neighborhood. I was praying that Jesus would open up a door for us soon and I believed that He could do it! However, none of the places we were looking at as we were driving gave us peace. We got back to Larry’s house and I was still looking online and saw an apartment that I haven’t stumbled across any other time but it was on the side of town that I currently lived on and we both thought that we would move in the city close to our church home. So I yelled, “babe! Do you think I should call this apartment?” I told him what I saw online and it looked like this was what we have been praying for all along. Babe, gave me the consent to call. I called, you wouldn’t believe; the women I spoke with told me that today was the last day for their open house and to bring a canned good to get money off the application fee, our pay stubs, our id and that’s it! In the past apartments were asking for everything but our blood…lol so I was already enjoying that this apartment place wasn’t asking for much. So, one last time we got in the car and drove across town to go. We arrived there and met with the lady that I spoke with on the phone; we sat down and filled out paperwork and more paperwork. Finally, we were done! WHEW! She told us that because they were currently having an open house they had a special and we could pick a pumpkin, if we were approved for the place than we would get money off our first month’s rent!! Like what!! The pumpkin we chose was $300 off. JESUS!!!!

So, we left the rental office and I looked at babe and told him that I had peace that Jesus was going to provide this place and when He does, can we go ahead and get married? Babe said YES! The next day, the women called us and said, Congratulations! You have been approved! We rejoiced!!! We are so grateful of the Lord’s faithfulness. It wasn’t easy, but we endured.

If you are reading this and trusting Jesus to move on your situation keep trusting HIM! He hasn’t forgotten about you. Jesus is not moved by our time; but His. He’s got you!! It’s going to work out! Be encouraged.

Signed, Jesus Girl


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