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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. Down below are post documenting my journey living a more simple life. 


Jesus isn't finished with me yet?

I can explain… it’s been months since I have talked with my Jesus Girls. Gee-wiz! I miss you girls. You have been on my mind; since we last talked I have been working non-stop to get back to this place of blogging. It has been many nights that tears were streaming down my face because I didn’t know how to push past fear, be my complete self and trust Jesus that He called me to blog for a specific reason and someone needed these blog posts.

Let me update you on why I placed blogging on hold. First, I got engaged. If any of you ladies are familiar with the process of planning a wedding or being the bride. It’s difficult! So I needed to dive in head first and be focused on this new role that Jesus was calling me to. Second, I was battling with identity during this time. You’re probably thinking, WOW! Yes, girl! Identity means the face of being who or what a person is. (google). I believe that Jesus was teaching me to be myself all over again. A seed was planted when I started attending a new church home and I desired to fit in my new surroundings and the ladies that I desired to be friends with did things a certain way, so I felt the need to change who I was to fit this picture. If I am being honest this way of thinking went on for months. Sadly, once it started I didn’t know how to get back to my bubbly, pink-loving self. It was hard. I prayed and prayed that Jesus would help me to understand who I was in Him and help me to go back in accepting it. I am so grateful because He did. I learned that I am enough. And so are you! Who Christ created you to be is on purpose for a purpose. Own it!

So just to clarify while I was away. I got engaged. Planned our wedding. Got married to my best friend. Started attending a new church. Got a new job. Relearned who I was in Jesus. Moved into our new apartment. And so much more. So as you can see I was busy! It was a good busy and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Everything I had to endure has helped me get to where I am now and I am excited to be back, finally! I’m ready to dive in girls. I hope you have your favorite mug, tea, and blanket and ready for some life changing girl chats. Jesus isn’t finished with me yet or YOU!

Signed, Jesus Girl

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