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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. Down below are post documenting my journey living a more simple life. 



Today is the first day of school for most. I figured now is the perfect time to share my story on why I am no longer in school and why I believed that it wasn't for me. I also will highlight why I have decided to return to school. Have you ever felt like a failure? No! Just me? Okay. :)

LOL. Well last semester of college I dropped out of school. Shocker, I know! Allow me to go back where this kind of thinking originated from. I used to love school, I was that girl that woke up early to make sure I had a cute outfit and all my school supplies organized, a well balanced breakfast made etc. Until High School, in High School I started to HATE school. I used to feel as if I was dumb because I never could pass my tests, I didn't have the latest studying skills and I barely graduated from High School. In High School in order to graduate you had to pass the HSA (High School Assessment) Test and I failed it with flying colors and almost didn't walk across the stage if Jesus didn't step in when He did I would be doomed. Moving on to College I took a year off after graduating High School, furthermore I have been at the same community college since 2013 and its 2018. Catch my drift? Those around me would enroll in 6-7 classes at one time and I would be in my comfort zone complaining how much I hate school and how I can only handle 2-3 classes at a time. Yes. School has always been a struggle for me. It still is a struggle but that doesn't make me a failure and either are you. If you can find yourself in my story. Let me remind you that Jesus made no mistakes on your life. Where we are right now is ordained by Jesus. Do you think me failing my tests and dropping out of college last semester caught Jesus by surprise? Absolutely not! He knew that I would fall short and that I would need to depend on Him more if I wanted to succeed in school. See - for many years I tried to pass by my own strength and understanding all in all, I needed Jesus to help me. "Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." I want to encourage you Jesus Girls that "you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14." You or myself do not have to compare ourselves to our peers. We can walk boldly in believing that what Jesus has for you is for YOU. No it may not always be easy, but nonetheless it's yours.

I have prayed about my decision to return back to school and it may still get challenging however going into it with a different mindset; I am confident that those lies that Satan spoke over me at a young age are all lies. I can finish what I started, I am not dumb. I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me (Philippians 4:13) and so can you. Be encouraged. If you're in school at any age or level. Trust Jesus! He's with you when studying gets hard, when you're tired and want to give up. Some practical tips that have been passed down to me is use your resources. I.e Academic advisors, counselors, tutors etc. You can do it!! I'm rooting for you. :)

Until next time,


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