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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. Down below are post documenting my journey living a more simple life. 


Is Love still for me?

Hello Jesus Girls, I am missing you all and I am working on a set schedule to upload, now that is out the way. :)

I want to tell you all about Larry and I love story. Many of you have asked and I have prayed for months for the Lord to allow me to share this story. I was bursting at the seems because our story is my favorite it surly represents grace of Jesus Christ.

Larry and I relationship is a bit different. Larry and I met online. Actually on Instagram. He was liking all of my photos on Instagram. I didn't think anything of it at first until it was consistently. It caught my attention. Allow me to rewind before I met Larry I was in a five plus year relationship with a guy. The relationship was amazing. I finally met a saved guy after dating random guys for years. He treated me kindly, opened doors, we didn't kiss or have sex, we prayed together and read the bible together; this was what I prayed for and it was finally being answered. Life was great; years into our relationship we began to not see eye to eye. We had heated fellowships (disagreements) LOL! All the time. We both knew that Jesus was calling us to separate but due to not wanting to disappoint one another we held off breaking up for years until one day Jesus did it for us. The guy was going away for school and living on campus and we no longer seen each other as much as we did while He was living closer to me. We would always argue when we talked on the phone and one day, while we were on the phone He said, "This isn't working out we need to go our separate ways." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was heartbroken for weeks. After prayer, wise counsel, and the Holy Spirit leading me. I finally understood that what happened was necessary for our growth in Christ.

I told Jesus as I was bawling my eyes out that I would surrender my entire life to Him again for a whole year. No guys! Just Jesus and I. Sounds lovely right? It was one of the hardest moments of my life. I desired to be in a relationship but also knew that this sacred time with the Lord would be the best decision of my life.

Fast forward two years later after telling Jesus one year ha. I met Larry. I noticed Larry and I had mutual friends that I have known for six plus years. One day It was a worship night and I went. Larry was there and a girlfriend of mine introduced us. I couldn't stop starring at Larry the entire night. (I know I should have been singing to Jesus) :)

But this man had the Light of Jesus on him and I wanted to get to know him, the next day I reached out to him to let him know that it was great meeting him and asked what did he think of males and females being friends. Although I was interested in getting to know Larry more. Friendship first was important to me. He was confused of my question and asked for my number. I hesitated at first to give it to him because of fear but I had peace about Larry right away. I gave it to him and we talked for four hours straight that night on the phone. It felt like I knew him for forever. It was history after that we talked, texted, facetime everyday after that night.

Now our story isn't perfect. We have struggles; and dealt with lust and purity however with great community, fasting and praying we are Overcomers and believe what Jesus says about us. On August 16, 2018 after dating for 7 months Larry proposed. We knew we desired to spend the rest of our lives together and still trusting Jesus to fulfill that promise. I am so thankful that I took time to surrender to Jesus after my break up because I am using the lessons with Larry.

I hope you girls enjoyed reading our story and encouraged to trust Jesus with your love story.

Until next,


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