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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. Down below are post documenting my journey living a more simple life. 


Listening is just as important as talking

Updated: Mar 31, 2019

In life it is important to listen before you speak. Sometimes it is easier to speak into others lives and their current life situations, you can often give them advice and turn around and don't follow your own advice. I learned the importance of listening to my best friend. First, it was challenging for me to listen to her because I told myself that I was right even before listening to her point of view. I went back and forth and was angry because I felt as if she wasn't hearing me and she believed that I didn't hear her. It was a rollercoaster. Until I stopped talking and listened to her; like really listen to her and we were able to come to a understanding on what the root of the problem was and how it could be resolved. I want to leave you all with some practical ways to listen more so that you can hear those around you before speaking, as well as some biblical ways. A few practical ways to listen more is to give the speaker, your friend, husband etc. your undivided attention this may look like you turning your cell phone on do not disturb, or placing it in another room. Next you can use your body language and gestures to show that you are engaged. For example, good eye contact and have your hands on the table and not crossed. Finally, you can provide feedback on what he/she was talking about. Don't go off on whatever happened during your day; that will imply that whatever the person is talking about isn't that important. Respond in love and a respectful behavior. Now that we have covered some practical ways to listen better. I'll share scripture on listening that you can meditate on during this week or whenever you are struggling with listening. Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. James 1:19. I am praying that this found you well. Now let's all be great listeners as unto the Lord.

Until next time,

Signed, JesusGirlxo

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