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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. Down below are post documenting my journey living a more simple life. 


Finding balance + Rest

Hello ladies, it’s been a week or so. This break wasn’t intentional. However, I felt the Lord pressing on my heart to be still in many areas of my life and to not blog for a little while. I would open my laptop to blog and would hear the Holy Spirit tell me to rest.

So I was praying and asked the Lord what did He want me to discuss with you all today and it’s no surprise that He told me to talk about Rest. Are we truly resting in Jesus? The definition of rest is ease up/off, slow down, have/take a break etc. Resting in Jesus simply looks differently to each individual. However, I want to dive into what the Gospel has to say about rest.

In Matthew 11:28-30 the bible reminds us to” Come to me, all who labor and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” What does this verse mean to you? Jesus is reminding us of who He is in this verse and He is telling us that we can cast our burdens on Him and He will carry them for us. WHEW! He is so good to us!

While I was away on this unintentional break from blogging many days I became very restless. I didn’t want to rest. I was like but, Jesus I have to get a blog out to my Jesus Girls. I was going back and forth with the Lord about resting. Kicking and screaming as if Jesus doesn’t know us better than we know ourselves. He knew that I couldn’t write/pour out to anyone or anything if I wasn’t resting in Him. I mean truly giving every area to Him. Many nights I was up staring at the ceiling confused on why I couldn’t go to sleep. It dawned on me that what we and I am guilty of it as well, is that we try to keep up with everything. We scroll on social media for hours, then we set a few minutes for quiet time, check emails, tend to the kids, the hubby, our businesses etc. Then when it is finally time to rest our minds are going a mile per minute. A practical way that helped me to rest I turned on rain sounds on Pandora and prayed to Jesus and asked Him to help me rest in Him. A few minutes later that night I was asleep. Jesus wants to give us rest and He offers it freely but sometimes it’s challenging because chaos is our norm so resting is foreign to us.

Allow me to remind you that you don’t have to be everything to everyone all the time. Resting doesn’t mean you’re lazy. It means that you are wise and you are aware that you need to take care of you too! It’s okay to tell people that you can’t come this time, turn your phone on do not disturb, take a walk because you desire to rest. My prayer is that we find ways to rest more in Jesus and trust His way for our lives.

Be encouraged,


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