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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. Down below are post documenting my journey living a more simple life. 


Be who Jesus created you to be!

A couple of months ago, I struggled with being confident in who Christ created me to be. If you're aware that if you hang with someone for a long period of time you begin to start to act like them. It's no surprise that this is what happened to me. I was slowly loosing who Christ created me to be.

Let me remind you that Satan would love if we were insecure and less confident on who Jesus Christ created us to be; He would jump for joy if we continued to hide behind someone else's identity. My hope is that after reading this post you'll be a little more aware and confident to go out in the world and allow your light to shine.

We have heard plenty of times to "Be Yourself! Everyone is taken." but what does that really mean?

What does being yourself in Jesus really look like. Before we dive into some ways to be confident in Jesus let's first acknowledge the lies that have you doubting yourself in the first place. In Genesis 2:16-17 Adam and Eve ate the fruit of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, which they were commanded by God not to do. How many times have God instructed us to not do something and we do it anyway. Yup! Sin and the lies of Satan has blurred our viewpoint on who we are in Jesus. We believe the lies of this world over the truth of Jesus.

Reading the gospel can help shape our identity in Jesus; it shows us why we created, who we are, and where we are going. Jesus never created any of His children the same. Even identical twins were created differently in some shape or form. Jesus wants all of His children to love themselves and view themselves and others as He views us; fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14).

The hair on your head, the clothes on your back and even the way you speak is no mistake. Jesus knew exactly what He was doing when He created you. He knew that you would be able to reach a crowd of His people by being yourself. Don't forget that you are here on earth on purpose for a purpose. :)



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