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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. Down below are post documenting my journey living a more simple life. 


Are you a women of your word?

Hi girls. I wanted to do something a little different on the blog today. I want us to think if we are women of our word? Do we study the word to apply it to our lives? I desire Jesus Girls to learn how to study the Gospel effectively and ways to apply it our own personal life. So today, I am doing a book review on a book that I believe can help us.

The title of the book is "Women of the Word" (How to STUDY the BIBLE with both OUR HEARTS and OUR MINDS) by Jen Wilkin forwarded by Mattt Chandler. I will strongly recommend this book to any believer struggling reading the bible; don't know where to begin etc. Let's begin with a saying we are all familiar with, you can't judge a book by it's cover. However this cover is so appealing and often what draws me to any book before reading the back of it. The colors are extremely welcoming and makes you inquire more. From the beginning of the book the author tells us a story about her love for teaching women the gospel and how this passion didn't happen overnight. A quote from chapter one. "This is a book about equipping women through Bible study. Outside of my family, its the only thing I care about most." (Women of the bible). Explaining to us that the bible is as important as family. If not more important because we all LOVE and ADORE our family. Right?

I love when books tells stories because it simply helps us feel apart. It almost feels real? Just me? okay. LOL.

Continuing in Chapter One the author is telling us a story on how she didn't know how to properly study the gospel and how she learned to study scripture in the correct context.

One of my favorite quotes that really stood out to me is, "The Bible does tell us who we are and what we should do, but it does so through the lens of who God is. The knowledge of God and the knowledge of self always go hand in hand. In fact, there can be no true knowledge of self apart from the knowledge of God. He is the only reference point that is reliable. So, when I read that God is longsuffering, I realize that I am not longsuffering. When I read that God is slow to anger, I realize that I am quick to anger. When I read that God is just. I realize that I am unjust. Seeing who He is shows me who I am in true light. (Women of the Word).

Drop the Mic! This quote got my entire life together. Jesus is so faithful!! Are you convinced that you need this book in your collection? ;).

I don't want to be a spoiler so I won't go through each chapter but I will tell you that throughout the entire book Jen is explaining to us how our viewpoint may have been bamboozled along our journey and fills it with wisdom and truth. From Chapter 1-9 it is different topics, For example, Study with purpose, Study with prayer etc..

I picked up this book when I was in a season of my life I believed reading a verse on my bible app was enough for me, I was the women who quoted scripture out of context, I just didn't desire to spend more time in the word. During times when I was tempted by Satan. He would trick me and I didn't really know the word so I would often fall for his old-tired tricks.

I was tired of not knowing the Gospel and desired to do something different so that I could have different results. So, this book along with other resources helped me fall in love with the Gospel all over again in a way I never imagined.

In closing I want to share with you when you can find this gem., Lifeway Christian book store, Barnes and Noble. By the way, let me give my Jesus Girls a free tip if you see anything on and it's lower in price than Lifeway Christian book store - they price match. Score! You saved some coins. :)

Well until next time,


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