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Welcome to my lifestyle blog. Down below are post documenting my journey living a more simple life. 


All things new

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!” | 2 Corinthians 5:17 |. The bible reminds us that this is the ministry of reconciliation. The verse in | 2 Corinthians 5:16 | tells us; “from now on, then we do not know anyone from a world perspective. Even if we have known Christ from a worldly perspective, yet now we no longer know him in this way.”

I want to break these verses down in application to our personal lives. The Ada {Ah-da} who used to party, drink, gossip etc... is no longer me. When I made a choice to give my life to Christ those things were left in the water where I got baptized and I came up brand new! Thank you Lord! I am forever grateful! Do you understand that we are constantly growing in Jesus daily? You are not the same person. I want to take some time to encourage you in this, you may feel like you are not new; maybe one day you found yourself falling in the same trap that you once fell for in your past and you wonder if you are changed and renewed. Well, I will tell you what helps me remember that I am a new creation. First, I remind myself that in the past I would not repent of my sins and shortcomings because I didn’t have any conviction in the past to do things according to the Gospel, another thing I would remind myself is the Holy Spirit that lives in me. In which he helps me by placing situations where I am growing in my mind when I am feeling like I am not moving forward in Him. I love those sweet reminders from Jesus when I tend to forget. I’m sure we have all been there when we are trying to move forward and someone is constantly reminding you of your past it’s challenging to believe you are changed as well. But I pray that you lovingly tell them that you won’t accept that and speak truth over those lies sis or bro.

Yesterday, 11/10/2018 I went to a worship night with my friends and my fiancé and it was super encouraging and I want to share my take away with you. The worship leader sung these words over and over again from spontaneous worship and it sat in my heart all the way on the ride home so I wrote it down, it went like this; “If any man be in Christ…since he is in Christ he is a new Creation.” Sounds so similar to our focus verses in 2 Corinthians that we read in the beginning of this blog post, because you are in Christ you are NEW! It’s a bonus for living for Jesus. It’s our birth right. How amazing is that? That Jesus freely wipes our sins clean and when He views us He sees himself because of His spirit. WHEW!

So what are you believing Jesus to make new in your life? Trust that He is a God of all things new! He hasn’t forgotten about you and He is so ready to do marvelous things for you. Have faith!

Be encouraged,


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